Smith Wigglesworth - New Zealand's Greatest Revival!


Reprint of the 1922 Revival Classic... "After the great Campaign, a party of us took our beloved brother to the Marlborough Sounds for a well earned rest. Walking along the seashore one evening I asked him the secret of his success.

"Ah! He said in a broken voice and with tears slowly trickling down his face. I am sorry you asked me that questions, but I will answer it. I am a broken-hearted man. My wife who meant everything to me, died eleven years ago. After the funeral I went back and lay on her grave. I wanted to die there. But God spoke to me and told me to rise up and come away. I told Him, if He would give to me a double portion of the Spirit - my wife's and my own - I would go and preach the Gospel. But I sail the high-seas alone. I am a lonely man, and many a time all I can do is weep and weep." Here was a secret indeed.

Not many men tell the story of a revival better than Pastor H. V. Roberts. It has been 100 years since the New Zealand Revival and 71 years since the book first came out in print. Learn what it was like to walk and minister alongside of a man who few men knew nor remembered better.

ISBN - 9781935765004
