What if I am tax exempt?
Global Awakening Online Store only charges Sales Tax in the state of Pennsylvania.
However, if you are tax-exempt in the state of Pennsylvania, we can help you set up a tax-exempt account with Global Awakening Online Store. Please do the following:
- Sign up for an account on the Global Awakening Online Store.
- Email the Global Awakening Store at bookstore@globalawakening.com and let us know you are tax exempt. Please provide your name as well as the organization, ministry, or church you are representing and a phone number to contact you. You may also call us at 1 (866) 292-5364 or (717) 796-9866, ext. 110.
- You will need to provide a signed copy of your Tax Exemption Certificate or PA Form REV-1220 that contains your organization’s name and tax exempt number. You can either fax the certificate or form to (717) 796-9867 or email a scanned copy to bookstore@globalawakening.com
If you have any questions concerning your tax status or about your purchase, please contact us using the above phone numbers or email address.