The Promise of the Presence



Rebuilding the Tabernacle of David... 
The Promise of the Presence inspires with a compelling vision of the effects of pure, unadulterated worship – worship with such abandon and passion that God is able to pour out on us the abundance of his presence. In that presence, so tangible and heavy, we encounter heaven, the love of God, and an outpouring of his power.

In Acts 15, the Apostle James echoes the words of the prophet Amos and speaks about what will happen when the ‘tabernacle of David’ is restored: humanity will seek the Lord. The powerful presence of God will bring home the lost, heal the hurting and broken, and transform them for his glory. Worship in spirit and truth is the place of encounter!

ISBN - 9781908393494


“Alun’s book provides insights into the power of worship and praise to usher in the presence of God for prophecy, healing and miracles … as a body of God’s people, our worship has the ability to shift the spiritual atmosphere, resulting in the release of captives, the healing of the sick, the release of miraculous provision, and the manifestation of His presence … I highly recommend this book.” ~ Dr. Randy Clark, Overseer of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
