1st Year Students
GSSM First Year is aimed at two goals: helping you to have a radical identity overhaul, so that you see yourself the way the Father sees you; and putting God’s spiritual gift “power tools” into your hands and giving you opportunities to use them!

2nd Year Students
In GSSM Second Year, you will not only go deeper in topics introduced in First Year, you will grow in leadership. You will receive training in preaching and teaching, culminating in a series of ministry trips across the nation–or even around the world–in which you give away what you have received from the Lord. You will also receive personal coaching to discern what God is calling you to and the help to walk it out.

Global Summer Intensive (GSI)
GSI is a three-week school held each June at Global Awakening’s headquarters in Mechanicsburg, PA. It is a condensed version of the core teachings and speakers of the GSSM First Year On-site program.