Ultimate Empowered Bundle
The Empowered Bundle includes 25 items:
- 20 books
- 2000 Years of Charismatic Christianity - Eddie Hyatt
- Authority to Heal - Randy Clark
- Baptized In the Spirit - Randy Clark
- Biblical Guidebook to Deliverance - Randy Clark
- Biblical Healing and Deliverance - Chester & Betsy Kylstra
- Changed In a Moment - Randy Clark
- Doing Healing - Alexander Venter
- Echo Heaven - Marty Darracott
- Intimacy With God - Randy Clark
- Liberated - Rodney Hogue
- Lighting Fires - Randy Clark
- Pentecost to Present 1 - Jeff Oliver
- Pentecost to Present 2 - Jeff Oliver
- Pentecost to Present 3 - Jeff Oliver
- Pressing In / Spend and Be Spent - Randy Clark
- The Essential Guide to the Power of the Holy Spirit - Randy Clark
- There Is More - Randy Clark
- Unbound - Neal Lozano
- User Friendly Prophecy - Larry Randolph
- What's Wrong with Protestant Theology - Jon Ruthven
- 3 cards
- Prayer and Deliverance Card
- The Basics of Prophecy Card
- Words of Knowledge Card
- 1 manual
- Empowered Workbook
- 1 HD drive
- Empowered Essentials
Variant: Bundle